gÖÖd EVeNiNg... DeAr FRIenD.. EveRy bAd sitUatiOn will have soMetHiNg pOsitiVe, EvEn a stOppEd CLoCk is cOrReCt twiCe a dAy, ThiNk of thiS And LeAd uR LifE... :~¤¤**¤¤~: ... still happy? oh no...plz cry wit me
Blach rose mean excelent♥ Pink rose mean special♥ Yellow rose mean peace♥ Red rose mean Luv♥ White rose mean frndz♥ Orange rose mean best wishes♥ Accept all above 2day i giv u all rose 2 u b glorior & exclusive real life...♥♥♥♥♥miss u so much♥♥♥♥