to my friend ">" border="0"/> and ">" border="0"/>
“Thought 4 the day” I CriEd whEn I hAd nO shoEs. SuddenLy I sToppEd cRyiNg whEn i sAw a mAn wiThouT leG. LifE iS fuLL of BlEssinGs sOmeTime wE dOn’t uNdeRstaNd iT.GooD MorNinG...¤~¤~¤
'OnLy GOd KnoWs How MuCh I MiSs YoU, OnLy GoD KnoWs How Deep I FeeL YoU, OnLy GoD KnoWs HoW MuCh YoU Mean To Me..'guT nighT... kiss is gut but 4rm drakulla how's ur health? Plz take care..wish soon you heal up
LearninG HistorY Is So EasY BuT MakinG HistorY Is So DifficulT MakE A HistorY Of YourselF & MakE OtherS To LearN It.......!!!! ">" border="0"/> My DeaR FrienD