baby me also free but bus come now i am going room we chat from their kk bye da
heloooo baby what are u doing baby i am looking 4 uuuu
heloooooo madamm when u come online tell me
plsss come fast okkkkk plssss baby i wait 4 uuu
i told uu that cool baby when they come tell me and what time baby
helooo baby cool darling they come and they go okkkk
me send mobile slow kk dear nathing looking 4 food kk cool baby
i gone to up site see how we done work now came back office tell me dear u came home
heloooooo madam where are uuuuuuuuuu
heloooo madam where are uuuu what are u doing
heloooo baby i wait 4 uuuuuuuu
kk baby come fast i wait dddaaaaa sseeee my avthar change like uuu
yes i am free what time u send tell me that time chat baby
suni more i miss da i love her i touch her kk but i like u as a friendship love da
heloooooooo madam i miss u as a friend and i miss u like as a wife also
helooo baby now i am office tell me
9 am going right baby me also this 3 days full nowork da enjoy some times boss call me but paper work is pending
heloo baby i am here in office da and what els tell me dear suni send message good night and i send good night
no baby i done wrong so i have to tell sorry kk and i can not take sorry form you i can not life my wife sory hhhh