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7 years ago

11 years ago

11 years ago
Best Relations Do Not Need Promises, Terms And Condition....!
It Just Need Two Wonderful People
''One Who Can Trust and One Who Can Understand'''
Tc Frinds
12 years ago


7O Yr Old Man asks his Wife do U Feel sad Wen U See Me Runing behind Young gals?
Wyf replies: Not at all, Even dogs chase Cars but dey can’t drive it!
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Teacher : “Sam, you talk a lot !”
Sam : “It’s a family tradition”.
Teacher : “What do you mean?”
Sam : “Sir, my grandpa was a street hawker, my father is a teacher”.
Teacher : “What about your mother?”
Sam : “She’s a woman”
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Solid reason for having 2 girlfriends/boy friends at one time
Monopoly is always damaging
Competition improves service!
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Listen” and “Silent” r 2 words having same Alphabets.
Amazingly both r meant for “HUSBAND

Is not a single word..
It is beautiful sentence
S – Speak, M – More, I – In, L – Less, E – Energy
...So always keep smiling...

good night

12 years ago

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12 years ago

╰♡╮ ☆。◕‿◕。。◕‿◕。☆ ╰♡╮

In a school ,,,,,science class ,,,,,,
four worms were placed into fourseparate jars.
The first worm was put into a jar of...alcohol...
The second worm was put into a jar ...of cigarette smoke...
The third worm was put into a jar of ...sperm...
The fourth worm was put into a jar ...of soil...
After one day, these were the ...results:
The first worm in alcohol — dead.
The second worm in cigarette smoke — dead.
The third worm in sperm — dead.
The fourth worm in soil — alive.
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So the science teacher asked the
class — “What can you learn from
this experiment.” ?
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Little Johnny quickly raised his hand and said.
“As long as you drink, smoke and
have sex, you won’t have worms inside u.”
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Why complicate life ?
1. Missing somebody – call
2. Wanna meet up – Invite
3. Wanna be understood – Explain
4. Have questions – Ask
5. Don’t like something – speak up
6. Look something – share it
7. Want something – Ask for it
8. Love someone – tell them
we only have one life.keep it simple & meaningful.
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╰♡╮ ☆。◕‿◕。。◕‿◕。☆ ╰♡╮

12 years ago

❤¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸❤">" border="0"/>˜”*°•.¸❤
"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams!"
❤¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸❤">" border="0"/>˜”*°•.¸❤

This world is full of people
who are willing to dream,
but only a confident few will actually
go in the direction of their dreams.
Are you one who just exists with a creative well inside,
or are you one who is willing to go
confidently in the direction of your dreams?

Many people take a step or two in
the direction of their dreams.
Just as there are many who read these inspirational posts,
only a few of you will take what you learn from them,
and apply them in your life to actually achieve success.
The question is, which are you?
One who just feeds with no deposit
of actual action in your life,
or are you one who feeds on inspiration,
and knowledge to help you take further steps
in the pursuit of your own happiness or dreams?

Every dream should be a dream
in which you are desperate to achieve,
a dream in which you are desperate for more,

Sweet Dreams

❤¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸❤">" border="0"/>˜”*°•.¸❤
"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams!"
❤¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸❤">" border="0"/>˜”*°•.¸❤

12 years ago
''Happines Is More Important Than Smile''
''Because Smile Come From Lips'
''But Happines Come From Heart'
''Be Happy Forever''
Good Morning''
12 years ago
12 years ago

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Don't ask what the meaning of life is...
We define it .....

What will our life mean
by the time it is over with?
Will we leave behind a great legacy,
a legacy full of success,
full of stories that will make us laugh,
stories that will make us cry,
and stories that will make us believe that
anything, absolutely, anything is possible???

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if we are willing to put forth the effort,
and never give up on life?
Or will our legacy consist of a mundane lifestyle
in which its author made little to no attempt
to juicy up his or her narrative.

We all have a choice.
Every day is a day in which we can
consistently decide if we want
to work our hardest to make
some changes to this world.

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What mark will we leave on the world
by the time we are gone?
Will we make an effort to leave on at all?


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12 years ago
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