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10 years ago
Be strong!

Always find the strength to stand on your feet!

10 years ago
There is nothing you can't do!

You just need to find the will and the strength
to do it!

10 years ago

Don't be sad in a rainy day...
Instead of that,
Let rain wash away your wounds and problems
and heal your heart!

10 years ago
Magic exists as long as you believe
and you are pure in the heart!

10 years ago
10 years ago
Happy New Year to you my dear friend!!

May 2014 bring you Health, Love, Happiness,
Strength, Success, Patience,
Hope and everything you wish for!!

Happy times!!

11 years ago
Snowflakes are unique!
There could be millions in a day but yet all different to each other!

They are tiny but extremely complicated!
Different shapes, different sizes, a whole history inside them!

Created by nature or created by magic?
Althought they are crystal ice,
if you look them closer, they may warm you more than any fire!

so, Be Different...

Be Unique...

Be You...
and show everyone
your warm heart and magic!

11 years ago
Have a very sweet Thursday!!

11 years ago
Follow the road that your heart desires!...

11 years ago
11 years ago
Always drive carefully because accidents may happen...

Always be careful when you are on the street
because accidents may happen even if they are not caused by you...

Somebody left a couple of days ago...
He was just 25...

It wasn't his fault but he is gone now....
and nothing can bring him back....

A candle for his memory...

candle photo: Candle Candle.jpg
11 years ago
11 years ago
There is always someone thinking of you somewhere...

Flowers for you!

11 years ago
11 years ago
Happy New Year!! I wish you the best!!

Take care!


11 years ago

Glittering Happy New Year Pic

New Year's Resolutions

O friend my Dear,
forget your fear,
Let all your dreams be clear,
Never put tear,
Pleas hear,
I want to tell one thing
in your ear
Wishing you
A Very Happy NEW YEAR

12 years ago
Have a wonderful Thursday afternoon!!

Image Sharing

Photo Sharing

Take care!


12 years ago
12 years ago
12 years ago
Your smile is your greatest achievement
and your greatest victory in the day!

So always smile my dear friend!
Because your smile is the strength and the mirror of your soul!

">http://s2.hubimg.com/u/1519941_f520.jpg" border="0"/>

">http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lavpaky3kP1qawakpo1_500.jpg" border="0"/>

Take care!


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