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Downlooaaad GuestbookDevilash92 (12 years ago) A Man askd a Sculptor,Hw do u make such Beutiful Idols 4m Stone? He rpld, Idols R alrdy Hidden. I remve unwantd stone HAPINESS is Hiden Jst remve WORIES GudMoRnG SOYAB143 (12 years ago) ▒)(▒)_______███☼███____(▒)(▒)(▒)(█)(▒)__ ███_☼██████_(▒)(▒)___██____████████_________██____███▒▒▄▒▒__________██____█▒▒▒▒▒▒___________██____ █▒▒▒♥___(▒)(▒)____________██_____▒▒____(▒)(█)(▒)__________ __██____▒▒______(▒)(▒)_____________██__▓▓▒▓_______█________██__██ ▓▓▓▒▒▒▓____█_(▒)(▒)___███_ ▓▓_▓▓▓▓▓___█(▒)(█)(▒)______▓▓__▓▓▓▓▓___█_(▒)(▒)_____ _▓▓__▓▓▓▓▓___█___█___________ ▓▓___▓▓▓▓_▓___█_█__________ ▓▓___▓▓▓▓__▓▓__█_________ ▓▓___███☼█__▓▓__█___♥▒▒♥▒♥▒♥▒♥▒♥▒♥▒♥ __▓▓_█___ ♥▒♥▒▒♥▒♥▒♥▒♥▒▒♥▒♥__▒▒▒____ ♥▒♥▒▒♥▒♥▒♥▒▒♥▒▒♥▒____█______ ♥▒▒♥▒♥▒♥▒♥▒♥▒▒♥▒♥__█________ ♥▒▒♥▒▒♥▒♥▒▒♥▒▒♥▒♥___________♥▒♥▒▒♥▒▒♥▒▒♥▒▒♥▒_______________▓▓_▓▓_(▒)(▒)_________▓▓_▓▓(▒)(█)(▒)_______▓▓_▓▓_(▒)(▒)_________▓▓_▓▓_______________▓▓_▓▓_______________▓▓▓▓_______________▓▓▓______█████████________██____██______█☼█____██______█_______██______________█☼█______________██__█▄▄_(▒)(▒)_________________ (▒)(▒)HOW ARE YOU Shivanaidu78 (12 years ago) {Image} I won't promise to be your friend forever,because I won't live that long,but let me be your FRIEND as long as I live. {Image} keep smilling Devilash92 (12 years ago) Hey my lil sis . .Welcome 2 radio bed FM, this is DJ bedsheet wid DJ pillow. We willnow play a song entitled sleep tight and sweet dreams frm the album GOOD NIGHT Shivanaidu78 (12 years ago) {Image} Evry1 want Hapines, No1 need Pain Bt Its nt posibl 2get Rainbw widout Rain..! Dats Lyf, So, njoy evry drop of Water eithr 4m SKY or Eye.... Gud Mor {Image} keep smilling Shivanaidu78 (12 years ago) {Image} Worst thing in life? Someone has tears in eyes because of U. And the best thing? Someone has tears in eyes for U. Dont mis dem. Gud Mng Have a nice day..... {Image} keep smilling Shivanaidu78 (12 years ago) {Image} Relations nvr leave ech othr, or nvr break ..... They jst sme times sit silently , deep in each othrs heart . Saying " I am still here , r u there..? {Image} keep smilling BensoyLoovee (12 years ago) "To have a good friend is one of the highest delights of life." -Goodevening dear friend!! #ihopeyourfine. | |