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Kingfisher88 Guestbook

smile380  (12 years ago)
Have regular hours for work and play;
make each day both useful and pleasant,
and prove that you understand the
worth of time by employing it well.
Then youth will be delightful,
old age will bring few regrets,
and life will become a beautiful success
Hope u r f9
tc, "God bless U"
smile380  (12 years ago)
Listen and Silent are 2 words with same alphabet
& are very important 4 Friendship because
only a friend can listen to u when u r Silent.
keep smiling and take care
smile380  (12 years ago)
KeEping a FRIEND is As Difficult AS losing one.
U sacrifice A lot To keep them.
I may not have sacrificed enuf 4 u...
but in my HEART I swear I'm keeping U..
God Bless U
smile380  (12 years ago)
Don't try to better
than someone else.
Try to be better than
who u were yesterday....
God Bless U
sunshine5734  (12 years ago)
We all take different paths in life, but no matter where we go, we take a little of each other everywhere .

have a nice day

tc elephant boy I really miss fighting with u
smile380  (12 years ago)
Never walk away from true friends
when u sees some faults.
Be patient & realize
that nobody is perfect.
It is only affection that
matters not perfection.
hw r u bro? miss u. t.c n b happy alws
smile380  (12 years ago)
A true thought:When you are up,
your friends know who you are.
When you are down,
you know who your friends areā€¦..

hanibee01  (12 years ago)
hanibee01  (12 years ago)

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