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Sania76 Guestbook

gopimahesh  (11 years ago)
u r come on l!ne why u not send message madam san?a
gopimahesh  (11 years ago)
heloooooooooooooo madam
shyangel12  (11 years ago)

EveN afteR all this tiMe
tHe suN NeveR sayS to the eaRtH,
"You owe Me."
Look what happens with a love like that,
It lights the wHole Sky.

shyangel12  (11 years ago)


shyangel12  (11 years ago)

Friend gives you smile
But true friend gives you happiness

Friend will lie about you
But true friend won’t tell your weakness

Friend knives your back
But true friend will slog your face

Thousands friends come when you’re happy
But only one true friend comes when you cry

Friend comes when he needs you
But true friend comes when you need him

Friend leaves when everybody does
But true friend comes when everybody leaves

Friend comes and leaves
But true friend is yours forever

shyangel12  (11 years ago)

shyangel12  (11 years ago)


shyangel12  (11 years ago)

Throw me a line here,
Or there,
Thats not what i meant,
Throw me a line not a line,
Not that line,
Lets not go into this any more,
Just throw me a line,
Not that one.

shyangel12  (11 years ago)

ĦąÞÞÝ ѓÔŚξ Ďãỵ

shyangel12  (11 years ago)

‘Twas deep; so deep of night,
When I saw what I had seen -
So truly deep of night,
When I went where I had been,
And really deep of night,
When I heard what I had heard:
Perhaps a fox or badger,
Or a sort of night-time bird.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
‘Twas late that night of nights,
When something there was there -
So very late that night of nights,
Where that thing was where -
'Twas deep of night of nights,
When it ran to where it ran:
Perhaps a stoat or Billy goat,
Or ghostly little man.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
‘Twas in the night of night of nights,
When something scary caused a scare -
So late of night of night of nights,
When something hairy raised my hair -
The deep of night of night of nights…
So don't you wonder what it was?
Well I never really truly saw it -
Why? Because because!
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
‘Twas in the night of night of night of nights
Oh I've had enough!
Night night.

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