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mileybigfan7 Guestbook

Sakura303  (13 years ago)


"Before 3 Days
Before 72 hours
Before 4320 mins
Before 259200 seconds
I am the first Who is wishing u HAPPY New Year 2012!"





"May your New Year sparkle and shine!!"





"May every day of the year 2012 glow with good cheer and Happiness For you & your beloved.
Happy New Year!"



"Wish you a prosperous, blissful, awesome, peppy and cheerful new year.
Have a blast. Cheers!!"




"Hope the New Year bring you lots of reasons to smile."


Warm New Year Wishes from




diksha52  (13 years ago)
Uh..just tell u sana miss u
LadyJohnCENA  (13 years ago)
diyamiley1  (13 years ago)
Mariya we missu
Sakura303  (13 years ago)
oOTamaraOo  (13 years ago)
i will miss u my sweet friend
oOTamaraOo  (13 years ago)
KeEp smiLe
Enjoy yOur life
No mattEr hOw haRd is may seEm,
WhEn life giVe u a thousaNd reasOns to CRY,
ShOw the world u haVe a milliOns reasOns to SMILE.
AryanL4U  (13 years ago)
bhula diya khy....
AryanL4U  (13 years ago)
Pyar Kr k Use DiL Se Mitana MushkiL Tha Wo Tufan palko Me Rok Pana Muskil Tha Asan Lga Use yad krke Mar Jana Qki BhuL k Jee Pana Mushkil Tha

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