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xiicharm05 Guestbook

imran6554  (9 years ago)
Hlw how are u
Collen34  (10 years ago)
Mish u charm

pravin143s  (10 years ago)
A friend like you is like no other friend
A friend like you is a friend I'm happy to have met
A friend like you is a friend I can't scream at or fight with
A friend like you is like having no worries in my life
A friend like you is a friend that I don't want to lose
A friend like you is like being in comfort all day
A friend like you is a friend I always wanted
A friend like you is truly awesome
A friend like you is random and funny
A friend like you is a friend that I love to death and I will never let go
A friend like you is a friend I can tell all my secrets to
A friend like you is like the little brother I've always wanted
A friend like you is like the little sister I've always wanted
A friend like you is like having no dark days because you brighten them up
A friend like you is a friend that opens up my eyes and helps me avoid bad things
A friend like you is a friend who laughs at dumb things I say or do
A friend like you is a friend I am proud to call my best friend.
raj294  (11 years ago)
im back buddy
Doori78  (11 years ago)
good morning Hey how r u?
dane2x  (11 years ago)
pm u nga num u ulit txt tayo
gerzkie09  (11 years ago)

Collen34  (11 years ago)
Carmie wow tats a sweet name huh charmie
Collen34  (11 years ago)
Gudmrnin charm
gerzkie09  (11 years ago)

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