xboyriju (13 years ago)gud nt everybody.
songilsook9x (13 years ago)Hi Riju. I am Thiệu, you can write Thieu. Now, i am going to home. Sr u. See u later.
mohammd84 (13 years ago)i m happy 4 u injoy u time
mohammd84 (13 years ago)what are u feelying naw?
mohammd84 (13 years ago)no worry my friend i told with hem wait few he is busy naw
mohammd84 (13 years ago)sorry give me some the time to ask hem he is gentle boy wait few time nd i 'll tell hem
WacKyR0nNie (13 years ago)O0h,but why he reJeCt y0u in hiS lisT?aS I kn0w he is a niCe perS0n
maybe y0u did s0mething wr0ng?
mohammd84 (13 years ago)yes i up nd yes triet is best friend as brather me what happen with hem?