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Evil and cruel !!

Teena333 Guestbook

Bappo60  (13 years ago)
Shining moon,, Shining na8,, shining dream,, shining mind,, shining feelings,, shining life,, so why not u r my shining frnd... I Luv U coz u r bring my life shiningt.c.TANJID
maruf794  (13 years ago)
'I nO loNgEr hAvE thE feAr of bEiNg aLonE. It’S cOoL tO finD oUt tHaT yOu don’T nEEd a bOyfRieNd tO bE hAPPy' i mEAn diStuRbiNg friEnD likE mE..lOOk n uR wAlL..i wAs duMPed mANy usELEss wOrDs hErE..i wAnT tO cReAt uR wAlL aLmOsT oLd nEwS pApEr cOz i miSSed yOu frIEnd {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} gOoD nigHt..sWeeT slEeP
maruf794  (13 years ago)
hAvE tErRifiC tUeSdAy tHaNx tO reMembEriNg mE gUt eVeNiNg.: eNjOy uR TimE hOw's uR eXaM?
Duggu01  (13 years ago)
Plz add me as ur frnd! I already sent a frnd request 2 u b4. Plz be my frnd! Hav a gud time! Bye.
drops4u  (13 years ago)
raza2u  (13 years ago)
Best lesson in life: listen to everyon & learn from everyon,Because Nobody knows Everything, But Everyon knows Something
Bappo60  (13 years ago)
Luv makes evrytng luvly
drops4u  (13 years ago)
raza2u  (13 years ago)
Perfect Reletionship is not, That u never get Angry Upset or Irritetad with ech other, its How fast Resolve & Bounce Back 2 Normal
sweetheart13  (13 years ago)

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