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Popping Pink

TheStoryOfanEMO  Guestbook

lCandyl  (13 years ago)
awww yeah i knw
aidudul  (13 years ago)
daqx  (13 years ago)

Wishing you always...
Walls for the wind,

A roof for the rain
And tea beside the fire.

Laughter to cheer you,
Those you love near you,

And all that your heart may desire...

God bless

Sarrow1  (13 years ago)
k boi tell me de story of an emo...??wat is it...?? :O
FunkyFiona96  (13 years ago)
Sarrow1  (13 years ago)
im gud at guessin i suppose...
Senorida  (13 years ago)
hell yeah!!!!!

btw, when?
Sarrow1  (13 years ago)
i know ho it is.....well of course its alice frm de murder land.....now tale me 2 disney land......
Cool2027  (13 years ago)
GooD MorninG Mr.HORROR how r u?HAVE A NICE DAY
WaterMelonn  (13 years ago)
hello0o emo guy hws ya my friendly neighburhood spidey hope ya doin fine

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