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shahani51 Guestbookmaruf794 (13 years ago) 'pAiN (aNy pAiN--eMoTiOnAl, PhYsIcAl, MeNtAl) HaS A MeSsAgE. tHe iNfOrMaTiOn iT HaS AbOuT OuR LiFe cAn bE ReMaRkAbLy sPeCiFiC, bUt iT UsUaLlY FaLlS InTo oNe oF TwO CaTeGoRiEs: "wE WoUlD Be mOrE AlIvE If wE DiD MoRe oF ThIs," aNd, "lIfE WoUlD Be mOrE LoVeLy iF We dId lEsS Of tHaT." OnCe wE GeT ThE PaIn's mEsSaGe, AnD FoLlOw iTs aDvIcE, tHe pAiN GoEs aWaY.' WiShInG YoU PaInLeSs lOvElY TimE... ¥~.^.~ ¥~.^.~ ¥ gUt MorNinG maruf794 (13 years ago) OnLy a fEw CaRiNg hEaRtS cAn eAsIlY IdEnTiFy SuM LiTtLe lIeS In Ur sMiLe & sUm mOrE TrUtH iN Ur tEaRs!!! sO NeVeR LeT tHeM Go fRoM yOuR LiFe!…… GuT NiGhT...kEEp sMiLinG... {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} maruf794 (13 years ago) SaRdAr sEnT MsG To hIs bOsS: “Me sIcK, nO WoRk” BoSs mSg hIm bAcK: “WhEn i aM SiCk i kIsS My wIfE TrY It” 2 HoUrS LaTeR SaRdAr mSg 2 bOsS: “Me oK, uR WiFe vErY SwEeT” sWeEt SmIlInG MoRniNG mY dEaR FriEnD.. {Image} can you follow it {Image} thanx god {Image} {Image} the face {Image} you are most welcome my friend | |
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