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kota1119 Guestbook

UjjalLove  (13 years ago)
I Toched A Flower,Flower Said ,"I Love U".I Touched A Bird,Bird Said,"I Like U" I Touched A Rain,Rain Said,"I Miss U"I Touched You,You Said,"Friends Forever"GOOD MORNING & HAVE A NICE DAY
elameral  (13 years ago)
{Image} {Image} elameral
bebodreamworld2  (13 years ago)
Bebodreamworld2 prestent... Ownskin Icon of The week.... The 11th' Ownskin Icon of The week Is.... Sanasana2 She Won This Title 6th' Time... The 1st Time in Ownskin Icon's History Sanasana2 Made A HAT-TRICK After Winnig The Title 3rd Time Now She's The Ownskin Champion.. Sanasana2 Won 2nd Time Ownskin Champion Title..
maruf794  (13 years ago)
SoMe OnE SaY ThAt lOvE Is nOnSeNs,,, i tElL YoU... 'It iS No sUcH ThInG. fOr wEeKs aNd mOnThS It iS A StEaDy pHySiCaL aNd mEnTaL PaIn, An aChE AbOuT ThE HeArT, nEvEr lEaViNg oNe, By nIgHt oR By dAy; A LoNg sTrAiN On oNes nErVeS LiKe tOoThAcHe oR RhEuMaTiSm, NoT InToLeRaBlE At aNy oNe iNsTaNt, BuT ExHaUsTiNg bY ItS StEaDy dRaIn oN ThE StReNgTh...' gOoD MoRnInNg dEaR... {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image}
elameral  (13 years ago)
{Image} {Image} {Image} elameral
maruf794  (13 years ago)
'aS YoU ThInK.. YoU TrAvEl,, aNd aS YoU LoVe,, yOu aTtRaCt.. yOu aRe tOdAy wHeRe yOuR ThOuGhTs hAvE BrOuGhT YoU; yOu wIlL Be tOmOrRoW WhErE YoUr tHoUgHtS TaKe yOu...'WiShInG GoOd MoRnInG aNd aTtItUdE DaY...
damodar54  (13 years ago)
hi toka..how r u??
mnaro  (13 years ago)
always in my mind...have a blessed days
miiraaz  (13 years ago)

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