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ImJuzChilling Guestbookgae732 (11 years ago) "one day.. someone will come into ur life and love you like you've always wanted.. if that was yesterday, learn.. if that will be tomorrow, wait.. if that is today, keep it and don't let it go.. always find several reasons to love and smile inspite of anything and despite of everything.." Goodmornin :* :* gae732 (11 years ago) GOD'S MEMO: Do not be afraid.I am with you! I am your God-let nothing terrify you! I will make you strong and help you. (Isaiah 41:10GNT) gudmorning...Hello May na...GODBLESS zakira17 (11 years ago) B-egin ur day with L-ove in ur heart… E-ver Smiling… S-hare goodness S-hine like d sun I-nspire some1… N-ever 4get that G-OD is with U. Gud mrng… zakira17 (11 years ago) JuSt wAntEd tO LeT U kNoW tHAt tHe cHoIcE oF “BLESSINGS” FoR ThE BeSt oF LiFe aRe aLwAyS wItH yOu . GoOd MoRnInG | |