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jaja5378 Guestbookxnirx (12 years ago) ╰╰╮╰╰╮╮ ♡(^◡^)♡ ╰╰╮╮╰╮╮ All religions are same!!! We have 26 alphabets in English, as given below? A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 S T U V W X Y Z 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 With each alphabet getting a number, in chronological order, as above, study the following, and bring down the total to a single digit and see the result yourself. H I N D U*** {Image} S h r e e K r i s h n a 19+8+18+5+5+11+18+9+19+8+14+1=135=9 M U S L I M*** {Image} M o h a m m e d 13+15+8+1+13+13+5+4=72=9 JAIN*** {Image} M a h a v i r 13+1+8+1+22+9+18=72=9 S I K H*** {Image} G u r u N a n a k 7+21+18+21+14+1+14+1+11=108=9 P A R S I*** {Image} Z a r a t h u s t r a 26+1+18+1+20+8+21+19+20+18+1=153=9 B U D D H I S T*** {Image} G a u t a m 7+1+21+20+1+13=63=9 C R H I S T I A N*** {Image} Esa Messiah 5+19+1+13+5+19+19+9+1+8=99=18=9 Each one ends with number 9 THAT IS NATURE’S CREATION. That all religions are same!!! Amazing!! {Image} YET MAN FIGHTS WITH MAN, ON RELIGIOUS ISSUES??? Wishing Your Happy Life My Friend... ╰╰╮╰╰╮╮ ♡(^◡^)♡ ╰╰╮╮ xnirx (12 years ago) ╰╰╮╮╰╰╮╮ ╰╰╮╮╰╰╮╮ ...★ ★NATURE OF GALZZ★ ★... {Image} {Image} {Image} She pushes Doors that clearly says PULL, She laughs harder when She tries to explain why She Is laughing, She walks into room and forget why She was there, She counts on her fingers in math class, She tries to accomplish things with time still on the microwave, She lies sometimes to hide the pain, She cry a lot more that U think She can do, She may not so strong as her smile seems to be, She gets attached to people who care even little bit about her., A broken nail is as painful as broken heart , She say it's a long story when its really not, She fell in love too hard too fast... And She always care more than She can... {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} So My Dear Friends, Respect the MOST BEAUTIFUL CREATION of GOD... ╰╰╮╮╰╰╮╮ ╰╰╮╮╰╰╮╮ xnirx (12 years ago) ╰♡☆ ☆♥ {Image} ♥☆ ☆♡╮ I am dropping by because I wanted to say "I hope you have a beautiful day." ╰☆╮♥[ {Image} ♥╰☆╮ A day where hope and rainbows meet, and true love sweeps you off your feet; where all is sunny and all is bright, with rays to fill your heart with light; ╰☆╮♥ {Image} {Image} ♥╰☆╮ a day that brings good things to you, inspiration and love and dreams come true ╰☆╮♥ {Image} ♥╰☆╮ Waqt k dayre se hum guzar n jae, armano k silsile kabhi bikhar n jae, isliye apko bewaqt yaad karte h, kahi apke dil se hum nikal n jae ╰♡☆ ☆♥ {Image} ♥☆ ☆♡╮ xnirx (12 years ago) ═╰♡╮☆☆★★☆☆╰♡╮═ whÿ dö böÿs nëëd ä frïënd whö ïs ä ġïrl ??? BECAUSE................................... -shë wïll nëvër lëävë ü älönë whën ü ärë säd… -shë wïll sëë tö ït thät ü dö ür wörks ön tïmë… -shë wïll mäkë sürë ü dön’t skïp mëäls tö pläÿ mätċhës & dö wörk… -shë wïll äsk ü tö lëävë ür bäd häbïts ëvërÿdäÿ, ëvërÿ tïmë… -shë wïll fïġht wïth ü ön smäll mättërs, bt wön’t këëp d änġër för lönġ… -shë wïll mäkë ÿöü mönëÿ-wïsë… -shë wïll säÿ: dön’t w0rrÿ, ëvën ïf thërë’s löt tö wörrÿ ör nöthïnġ tö wörrÿ... -shë wïll mäkë ÿöü pünċtüäl… -shë wïll hëlp ÿöü rësträïn ür änġër… -shë wïll tälk tö ü 15 tïmës ä däÿ tö knöw whät ü’rë döïnġ… ü mïġht fëël büġġëd ät tïmës, bt trüth ïs thät ÿöü ċän’t dö änÿthïnġ wïthöüt hër… äs ġïrls ärë spëċïäl ġïft öf ġöd för böÿs… sö respect & rëälïżë thëïr wörth änd täkë ċärë 0f thëm… BECAUSE................................... {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} dëdïċätëd tö äll ġïrls änd böÿs whö shärë thë lövë änd frïëndshïp n os…!! ═╰♡╮☆☆★★☆☆╰♡╮═ | |