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Tirana60 Guestbook

ravikumar2553  (13 years ago)
good morning



I'm not like anyone else. I don't need to follow anyone's lead. I'm all I will ever really need to be. I'm just simply me. I'm just Simply Unique!





smile always



maruf794  (13 years ago)

NeVeR Go aWaY WhEn yOu fInD SoMe fAuLtS,
aLwAY`s rEmEmBeR ThAt iN AnY ReLaTiOnShIpS
yOu nEeD 'aFfEcTiOn' NoT 'pErFeCtIoN'...!!

A GrEaT ReLaTiOnShIp iSn't
wHeN A PeRfEcT CoUpLe cOmEs tOgEtHeR,
bUt An iMpErFeCt cOupLe LeArNs tO EnJoY ThEiR DiFfErEnCeS...

tHe bEsT ReLaTiOnShIp iS
WhEn yOu tWo cAn aCt LikE
LoVeRs aNd bEsT FrIeNdS...


ravikumar2553  (13 years ago)
good morning
if you really want to live,don't give a damn about what others say or think and just do what you want to do.

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