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maruf794  (13 years ago)
some memorable love quotes for you... my friend: 'iN ReAl lOvE YoU WaNt tHe oThEr pErSoN’S GoOd... iN RoMaNtIc lOvE, yOu wAnT ThE OtHeR PeRsOn' 'LoVe iS NoT A MaTtEr oF CoUnTiNg tHe yEaRs – It’s mAkInG ThE YeArS CoUnT….' 'tHe bEsT PrOoF Of lOvE Is tRuSt...' 'wE WaStE TiMe lOoKiNg fOr tHe pErFeCt lOvEr, iNsTeAd oF CrEaTiNg tHe pErFeCt lOvE...' 'ImMaTuRe lOvE SaYs: “i lOvE YoU BeCaUsE I NeEd yOu... ”MaTuRe lOvE SaYs: “i nEeD YoU BeCaUsE I LoVe yOu.” GooD NiGhT aNd LoVeLy WeEkEnD WiTh LoVe aNd sMiLe {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image}
maruf794  (13 years ago)
My bLeSsInG, cOnGrAtUlAtIoNs aNd gOoD WiShEs. I WiSh yOu tHe bEsT Of eVeRyThInG FoR NoT OnLy iN EiD-Ul-fItR BuT AlSo aLl tHe yEaRs aHeAd.*EiD MuBaRaK*.~.* *~.^.~* ~ * {Image} {Image} {Image}
maruf794  (13 years ago)
WoNdErFuL SaYiNg aBoUt dReAm: 'yOu sEe tHiNgS; aNd yOu sAy, 'wHy?' bUt i dReAm tHiNgS ThAt nEvEr wErE; aNd i sAy, 'wHy nOt?' wIsHiNg dReAmY NiGhT DeAr... ~..~ ~ ..~ {Image}
maruf794  (13 years ago)
'pAiN (aNy pAiN--eMoTiOnAl, PhYsIcAl, MeNtAl) HaS A MeSsAgE. tHe iNfOrMaTiOn iT HaS AbOuT OuR LiFe cAn bE ReMaRkAbLy sPeCiFiC, bUt iT UsUaLlY FaLlS InTo oNe oF TwO CaTeGoRiEs: "wE WoUlD Be mOrE AlIvE If wE DiD MoRe oF ThIs," aNd, "lIfE WoUlD Be mOrE LoVeLy iF We dId lEsS Of tHaT." OnCe wE GeT ThE PaIn's mEsSaGe, AnD FoLlOw iTs aDvIcE, tHe pAiN GoEs aWaY.' WiShInG YoU PaInLeSs lOvElY TimE... ¥~.^.~ ¥~.^.~ ¥ gUt MorNinG sorry dear i faced bad net from few day's...so sometimes i didn't msging you
maruf794  (13 years ago)
OnLy a fEw CaRiNg hEaRtS cAn eAsIlY IdEnTiFy SuM LiTtLe lIeS In Ur sMiLe & sUm mOrE TrUtH iN Ur tEaRs!!! sO NeVeR LeT tHeM Go fRoM yOuR LiFe!…… GuT NiGhT...kEEp sMiLinG... {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image}
maruf794  (13 years ago)
SaRdAr sEnT MsG To hIs bOsS: “Me sIcK, nO WoRk” BoSs mSg hIm bAcK: “WhEn i aM SiCk i kIsS My wIfE TrY It” 2 HoUrS LaTeR SaRdAr mSg 2 bOsS: “Me oK, uR WiFe vErY SwEeT” sWeEt SmIlInG DAy mY dEaR FriEnD.. {Image} can you follow it {Image} thanx god {Image} {Image} the face {Image} {Image}
maruf794  (13 years ago)
'iF YoU LiVe lOnG EnOuGh, YoU’Ll mAkE MiStAkEs. BuT If yOu lEaRn fRoM ThEm, YoU’Ll bE A BeTtEr pErSoN. iT’S HoW YoU HaNdLe aDvErSiTy, NoT HoW It aFfEcTs yOu. ThE MaIn tHiNg iS NeVeR QuIt, NeVeR QuIt, NeVeR QuIt.' – gUt nItE {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image}
maruf794  (13 years ago)
Im sIcK Of cRyInG i'm tIrEd oF TrYiNg YeAh iM SmIlInG BuT InSiDe iM DyInG aNd i dOn't kNoW WhAtS HaPpEnInG mY AbNoRmAlItIeS ArE CoMiNg AnD I DoN'T KnOw nOtHiNg I JuSt wAnT To kNoW EvErYtHiNg mY HeAd iS CrAkInG tHeY SaY Im fAiLiNg tHeY DoN'T KnOw aNyThInG BuT ThE TrUtH Is iM JuSt sTaRtInG LiFe iS NoThInG CoMpArE To CrYiNg aNd LAuGhiNg lOvE Is sOmEtHiNg iF YoU KnOw wHaT'S HaPpEnInG If yOu dOn't kNoW LiVe aNd dIe tHeN Do nOtHiNg tHiS Is tHe mEaNiNg oF SuFfErInG... iM JuSt gUeSsInG i rEaLlY DoN'T KnOw tHe mEaNiNg bUt aT LeAsT ItS RhYmInG AnD Im nOt jOkInG FoR Me tHiS Is sOmEtHiNg eVeN ThOuGh fOr yOu iTs nOtHiNg... Ok oK Ok gOoD MoRnInG.. {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} [url=http://www.glitter-graphics.com] {Image} WisHiNg yOuR sMiLiNg WeEkEnD

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