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Idea for Valentine Days

dyzie09 Guestbook

siddhesh18  (12 years ago)
There is no fear in Love, if the Love is real and perfect it overshadows all fears and Concern. Love is not what you can receive it's all about what you can give. Gud morning!!
siddhesh18  (12 years ago)
There is no fear in Love, if the Love is real and perfect it overshadows all fears and Concern. Love is not what you can receive it's all about what you can give. Gud morning!!
Blackwhite68  (12 years ago)
good morning frnd have a nice day
Raj66570  (12 years ago)

Raj66570  (12 years ago)

RBVPS  (12 years ago)

True love is not how you forgive,

But how you forget,

Not what you see but what you feel,

Not how you listen but how you understand,

And not how you let go but how you hold on...

Devilash92  (12 years ago)
When you Run sO faSt tO gEt soMewHErE, you Mi$$ thE fUn oF gETting thEre. LifE i$ n0t A raCE, $o takE it sLowEr. HeaR thE MusiC bEforE thE $ong is ovEr.
Raj66570  (12 years ago)

Raj66570  (12 years ago)

Raj66570  (12 years ago)

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