maruf794(13 years ago) yah thats true but if you have no power to smile from ur inner you cant put smile on others face..
maruf794(13 years ago) *hApPiNeSs aLwAyS LoOkS SmAlL AnD LiTtLe wHiLe u hOlD It iN Ur hAnDs bUt lEt iT Go aNd u lEaRn aT OnCe hOw bIg aNd pReCiOuS It iS !!! * sO.. We hAvE To nEeDs vErY LiTtLe, BuT NeEdS ThAt lItTlE, sO VeRy mUcH... sMiLe aNd sTaY HaPpY TwInKlEzZ... {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} NOW FEELS THE DEFERENCES BETWEEN THAT FACES {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} BE HAPPY WITH WIDE SMILE good night... {Image}
yogesh30111989(13 years ago) pls.... accept me on your freinds list