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JMoooooD  (12 years ago)


" ‏ششكراََ
لكل شخصَ ظنيَٺ
آلدَنيآ معہَ ‎مختلفہَ

JMoooooD  (12 years ago)


أيـــــآ جيش الأحرآر
إن الله الجبآر
لآ ينسى دعوآتكم في الأسحآر
ولآ قتآلكم في الإبكآر
فابشروا من بعد الأضرآر
سيرخص لكم الدينآر
ويذهب الإعصآر
وتنزل الأمطآر
وتنبت الأزهآر
هكذآ تقول الأقدآر
بإذن الوآحد القهّآر

Abu1331ubaidah  (12 years ago)

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Friendship is not a game to play,
It is not a word to say,
It doesn't start on March and ends on May,
It is tomorrow, yesterday, today and everyday


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JMoooooD  (12 years ago)


قل للزمن لا ضاق صدري عوافي
بكره تزين وينشرح خاطر الوجد
كان الألم في محجر العين غافي
ترا الأمل ماله وسط خافقي حد

Abu1331ubaidah  (12 years ago)

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Anyone can make you happy by doing something special,
but only someone special can make you happy without doing anything.


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Abu1331ubaidah  (12 years ago)

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Easy is to judge the mistakes of others,
Difficult is to recognize our own mistakes
Easy is to hurt someone who loves you,
Difficult is to heal the wound
Easy is to set rules,
Difficult is to follow them
Easy is to dream every night,
Difficult is to fight for a dream
Easy is to say we love,
Difficult is to show it every day
Easy is to make mistakes,
Difficult is to learn from them…

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