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ekafialestari Guestbook

maruf794  (13 years ago)
♥ We sMiLe aT WhOm wE LiKe… ♥ wE CrY FoR WhOm wE CaRe… ♥ wE LaUgH WiTh wHoM We eNjOy… ♥ aNd wE GeT AnGrY WiTh wHoM We fEeL Is oUr oWn. ♥ tHaTs tHe sEcReT Of a rElAtIoNsHiP..! pEoPlE SaY ThAt “No sOrRy aNd nO ThAnKs iN FrIeNdShIp oR In a rElAtIoNsHiP..bUt rEaLiTy iS ThEsE 2 WoRdS AcTuAlLy sAvE ThE ReLaTiOnS..! {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} MooN LigHT NigHT To YoU
maruf794  (13 years ago)
If yOu aRe bOrN PoOr, ItS NoT YoUr mIsTaKe bUt iF YoU DiE PoOr, ItS YoUr mIsTaKe….* *bOrN WiTh pErSoNaLiTy iS An aCcIdEnT BuT DyInG In a pErSoNaLiTy iS An aChIeVeMeNt*….* *yOuR BiRtH MaY Be nOrMaL BuT YoUr dEaTh sHoULd Be hIsToRy*….* i kNoW & StRoNgLy BeLiVe U WiLL mAkE Ur oWn hIsToRy.... {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image}
angelospeg  (13 years ago)

maruf794  (13 years ago)
NICE SAYING ABOUT LIFE:.. sOmEtImEs yOu lAuGh, SoMeTiMeS YoU CrY,, LifE Is tHe uNiOn oF HaPpInEsS AnD PaIn,, sOmEtImEs iT Is aUtUmN, sOmEtImEs tHe rAiN SeAsOn,, It iS A SeAsOn tHaT CoMeS AnD GoEs,, sOmEtImEs yOu LauGh, SoMeTiMeS YoU CrY,, LifE Is tHe uNiOn oF HaPpInEsS AnD PaIn,, ThErE Is sOmE OpPrEsSiOn oF LiViNg,, tHeRe aRe sOmE TrAdItIoNs oF ThIs wOrLd,, ThErE ArE SoMe dAyS Of LOsInG AnD GaInInG,, tHeRe aRe sOmE PrOmIsEs, ThErE ArE SoMe vOwS,, tHeRe iS SoMe rEstLesSnEsS At eVeRy mOmEnT,, LifE Is tHe uNiOn oF HaPpInEsS AnD PaIn,, sOmEtImEs iT Is aUtUmN, sOmEtImEs tHe rAiN SeAsOn,, iT Is a sEaSoN ThAt cOmEs aNd gOeS,, sOmEoNe iS SLeePiNg uNdEr a sCaRf,, SoMeOnE Is tHiRsTiNg tO SeCuRe tHeIr hEaRt,, SoMeWhErE ThE ShInE Of dIsApPoInTmEnT HaS BlOoMeD,, sOmEwHeRe LovE AnD LoVe aLoNe iS RaInInG,, sOmEtImEs tHeRe iS PaIn, SoMeTiMeS ThErE Is a cUrE,, LifE Is sOmEtImEs yOu lAuGh, SoMeTiMeS YoU CrY,, LifE Is tHe uNiOn oF HaPpInEsS AnD PaIn,, mEmOrIeS Of mOmEnTs gOnE AwAy,, ToRtUrE Me aLL tHe tImE,, BeCoMiNg a sHaDoW, tHeY CoMe,, BeCoMiNg a sHaDoW, tHeY Go,, tHeRe iS A WoRlD Of LonELinEsS,, LifE Is tHe uNiOn oF HaPpInEsS AnD PaIn,, sOmEtImEs iT Is aUtUmN, sOmEtImEs tHe rAiN SeAsOn.. iT Is a sEaSoN ThAt cOmEs aNd gOeS,, SoMeTiMeS YoU LaUgH, sOmEtImEs yOu cRy,, LiFf Is tHe uNiOn oF HaPpInEsS AnD PaIn..! WiShInG Ur oRgAnIsEd aNd CoLouRfuL LiFe***.... {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image}
suhaan153  (13 years ago)
E¡d mubarak, E¡d mubarak...
Our e¡d has come
to bring us peace,
to br¡ng us love,
to charish our l¡fe.
It ¡s the t¡me,
we musl¡ms came together,
Shoulder to shoulder.
It ¡s the t¡me,
We musl¡ms
share our love,
share bel¡eve.
E¡d Mubarak, E¡d Mubarak...!¡!

angelospeg  (13 years ago)

maruf794  (13 years ago)
I WoNt sAy *I’Ll nEvEr MaKe u cRy*; Bt i’lL MaKe u sMiLe bEfOrE Ur TeArS GeT DrY…, i wOnT SaY *i’lL NeVeR TeLl u a LiE; BuT If i dO, i dO It fOr a ReAsOn, SoMe dAy i’lL TeLl u WhY…, i dOnT SaY *wE’Ll nEvEr hAvE A fIgHt*; BuT I’Ll sAy i’m rEaLlY SoRrY wHeN I ReAlIzE U WeRe rIgHt…, I DoNt sAy *LiFe tOgEtHeR WiLl Be… EaSy & bRiGhT*; bUt wHeN ThInGs gEt tOuGh…, I’Ll hOlD U TiGhT To mE…., I GoT NoThInG MoRe tO SaY, I GoT NoThInG MoRe tO PrOvE….., bUt aLwAyS ReMeMbEr…. ♥ My fRiEnD... i lOvE YoU FoReVeR! ♥ {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image}
angelospeg  (13 years ago)

angelospeg  (13 years ago)


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