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Chinthea73 Guestbook

halimbehold93  (12 years ago)
Allhmdllh q sht, gmna numb'y dh mw ngsh blm? Hhe
(msh usaha)
halimbehold93  (12 years ago)
Hmm, br kliatn lg nh?? Pa kbr?
Chinthea73  (12 years ago)
what happened to me..??
i want to feel the happiness in the same away again,but whyit's hard for me to get again..??
i want to feel perfect love like they used to be..
i want to have lover who is a lways there for me n i always support..
AREKA212  (12 years ago)
aduu iya betul,g'
Percaya..sini cepat aku gendong.
AREKA212  (12 years ago)
ya iyala aku mash kuat kok gendong kmu
alay08  (12 years ago)
thank yapz sob...
Devilash92  (12 years ago)
Life is like a book. Each day is a new page. May your book be a bestseller with adventures to tell, lessons to learn and tales of
good deeds to remember.

GöD BlEsS . .tK Cr . .gUdNyT . mzZ Ya MY DeAr FrND. .
AREKA212  (12 years ago)
aku mau apa.in kamu supaya kamu gk sedih.ku gendong kamu yuk.
Chinthea73  (12 years ago)
you are also correct
Devilash92  (12 years ago)
When you Run sO faSt tO gEt soMewHErE, you Mi$$ thE fUn oF gETting thEre. LifE i$ n0t A raCE, $o takE it sLowEr. HeaR thE MusiC bEforE thE $ong is ovEr.
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