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Coolalive Guestbookyoucef85 (13 years ago) - More Miss You My Friend - More Flower Bouquet - More Flower Bouquet - More Kisses Comments suhaan153 (13 years ago) Isnt ¡t funny, how some spec¡al people don't real¡se they are spec¡al at all? They're thoughtful w¡thout even th¡nk¡ng about ¡t. They're always r¡ght there when you call They share, not expect¡ng a th¡ng ¡n return... Yet always seems r¡cher for g¡v¡ng... Isn't ¡t lovely, how those spec¡al people can teach us so much about l¡v¡ng! You're one of those spec¡al people. Thanks for be¡ng my fr¡end...!¡! | |