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DarKprince7 Guestbook

Rahul4in555  (12 years ago)
Good nigHt my very special frIend, I pray you lay iN reSt,
AnD maY tomOrrow bring you, MucH love and happineSs. Do not think of me b'coz i'm in yOr're eyes..

GoOd niGht ..

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thaNkxxx.. FOr reMemBr me my frInd..
Priyu95  (13 years ago)
If U Miss Anything In Life,Don't Fill Ur Eyes With Tears.
It May Hide Yet Another Beautiful Thing Standing In Front Of U.
Good evening..
manu0327  (13 years ago)
Good night and sweet dreams
Priyu95  (13 years ago)
If u think positively, Sound becums Music,
Movement becums Dance,
Smile becums Laughter,
Mind becums Meditation & Life becums Celebration.. GOOD NIGHT
lynah82  (13 years ago)

lynah82  (13 years ago)

lynah82  (13 years ago)
manu0327  (13 years ago)
thank u thank u thank u
MizZvALeNtInE  (13 years ago)
HaVe A LoVELy wEeKeNdZ My dEaR & TaKe cArE

gOOd MoRnInG


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