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hemant43 Guestbook

behindthesmile  (13 years ago)
pls come back friend
Cuterose89  (13 years ago)
Hai. . Frnd. . Hw u. . ?
whitepearl30  (13 years ago)
hi dude! how is life going?
Cuterose89  (13 years ago)
Doing nw Chating. . .wt about u. . ?
Cuterose89  (13 years ago)
Ur wc. . . Am 5in. . . Hw u. . ?
hemant43  (13 years ago)
smile & silence are 2 powerful tool........smile is the way solve many problems.............&............silence is the way avoid them......///***
Mukesh906  (13 years ago)
Hi,hemant my friend what r u doing
Mukesh906  (13 years ago)
Hi,hemant what are you doing.
hemant43  (13 years ago)
when I'm Dead U'r Tears May Flow......But I Wont Know.....Cry 4 Me Now, INSTEAD............When I'm Dead U'll send Me Flowers But I wont See.........Send Them Now, INSTEAD...........wHEN i'M dEAD u'LL sAY wORDS oF pRAISE bUT i wONT hEAR........pRAISE mE nOW, instead.......wHEN i'M dEAD u'LL 4GET mY fAULTS bUT i wONT kNOW........4GET tHEM nOW, instead......!!!
behindthesmile  (13 years ago)
thnx urs to so u also watch bleach cool i love naruto,bleach,death note and others
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