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sonianatics Guestbook

Rahul4in555  (13 years ago)
Nd if u have any problm then plz shere me...??
Rahul4in555  (13 years ago)
Ooow...!! Bt nw you fyn na...??
Rahul4in555  (13 years ago)
My pLeasUre deaR...!! Btw how'Z You...??
Rahul4in555  (13 years ago)
Welc(-.-)Me A New
With A
Smile(-,-)N Ur Face
L(-.-)Ve In Ur Heart
Gud Th(-,-)Ughts In Ur Mind& U Will H'v A W(".")Nderful Day G(".")(-:-)D M�RNING....

maruf794  (13 years ago)
If u dOnT WaNt tO KnOw wHaTs pAiN, DoN’T LoVe aNyOnE TrUeLy. .. iF SoMeOnE LoVeS YoU TrUlY.. NeVeR ShOw tHeM WhAtS PaIn...! {Image} {Image}
maruf794  (13 years ago)
*DEFINITION OF NOTHING:TiMe dOeSn’t wAiT..... DaYs pAsS AnD YeArS ChAnGe,, yOu mOvE AwAy fRoM YoUr dEaR OnEs,, yOu mIsS YoUr lOvEd oNeS,, YoUr LifE ChAnGeS, fRiEnDs cHaNgE,, PeOpLe cHaNgE, bUt yOuR HeArT HaS ThOsE PrEcIoUs mOmEnTs eNgRaVeD In iT. wHeThEr yOu LikE It oR NoT, tHeY ArE ALwaYs tHeRe mAkInG YoU HaPpY At sAd tImEs aNd sAd aT HaPpY TiMeS. yOu tHiNk aBoUt tHoSe dAyS AnD ThEn sMiLe. AnD WhEn sOmEoNe aSkS ThE ReAsOn fOr yOuR SmiLE, yOu sAy – nOtHiNg,,,* aH.. SoMeTiMeS ~nOtHiNg~iS EvErYtHiNg...mIsSsSsS UuU 4 ~nOtHiNg~... {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image}
maruf794  (13 years ago)
sorry error {Image} {Image}
maruf794  (13 years ago)
[color=#5555]sorry friends 4 my bad net i will not sending massage to my all friends...forgive me sweet nights to my friends.... ****ExiT****
maruf794  (13 years ago)
♥ We sMiLe aT WhOm wE LiKe… ♥ wE CrY FoR WhOm wE CaRe… ♥ wE LaUgH WiTh wHoM We eNjOy… ♥ aNd wE GeT AnGrY WiTh wHoM We fEeL Is oUr oWn. ♥ tHaTs tHe sEcReT Of a rElAtIoNsHiP..! pEoPlE SaY ThAt “No sOrRy aNd nO ThAnKs iN FrIeNdShIp oR In a rElAtIoNsHiP..bUt rEaLiTy iS ThEsE 2 WoRdS AcTuAlLy sAvE ThE ReLaTiOnS..! {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} MooN LigHT NigHT To YoU
maruf794  (13 years ago)

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