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xoPinkIceCreamxo GuestbookDecoasto (13 years ago) i know a bit cHinese too bt can't undrsTnd da strokes akI i nEed to ofF coz super sLeepy nw bTw nIce mEetin' u wan an...zuo ge hao meng c Yah Decoasto (13 years ago) Itz t0ugh1...neither have itz notationz nor i know pLayIn' it btw grT u kn0w pLayIn' it I know bit spanish from my uncle n u akI.? Decoasto (13 years ago) yEa. .synthesIzer n guitar hmm.. I oLso Like Learning 0thr Langz bt Hard to get dem Decoasto (13 years ago) dad'z musIcian t0o i heLp dem In takin cLasses Like givin' notationz n teach instrument btw itz k0oL workin' In a h0tel Decoasto (13 years ago) Nt job mY dad'z teacHer i juz heLp dem out In der cLasses btw u do parT time.? Decoasto (13 years ago) daY vs tirIn' n weekend so fReakIn' btw I'm musician n u aki.? stiL sTudent.? | |
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