saarim143 (11 years ago)majnoon my brother live in tirmizzz
dats y asking
saarim143 (11 years ago)ya it city name...
its ok na why sad
u never went out from ur dirty room
i can understand
saarim143 (11 years ago)grandmaa
where is "tirmiz"in iran
Anton71 (11 years ago)thankx
nice day dear
saarim143 (11 years ago)i have enaf food for eat
i dont need to have fas
ya m having fast
any doubt
coffee is for iftar coz u r o far to me :rofl;
u can not come here b4 iftar:hee;
saarim143 (11 years ago)I want u ...
To be with me In a nice Restaurent
To have candle light dinner.... &
to say those sweet three words to U....
"Pay The Bill"
saarim143 (11 years ago)A- U'r Attractive
B - U'r D Best
C - U'r Cute
D - U'r Dear 2 me
E - U'r Excellent
F - U'r Funny
G - U'r Gud Looking
H - He He He
I - I'm
J - Just
K - Kidding
still miding something
you are myy evrything