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Cuming soon


soulmate160197  (10 years ago)

'``°^°``''$t®ong p€op£€''``°^°``'

'``°^°``''Don't put oth€®$''``°^°``'


'``°^°``Th€¥ £¡ft th€m up``°^°``'

(",")(*,*)(',')GooD Mo®n¡ng(",")(*,*)(',')

'',,(*_*)H@v€ @ ___________D@¥(*_*),,''

Blueheart007  (10 years ago)
Hi, varun kyse ho ap?
soulmate160197  (10 years ago)

soulmate160197  (10 years ago)
bt now am not going

rucha55  (10 years ago)
Good Mrng
soulmate160197  (10 years ago)


soulmate160197  (10 years ago)

M@¥ ALLAH f€£¡©¡t@t£ @nd f€£¡©¡t@t€ ¥ou ¡n th€ ®@©€ of £¡f€,''``°^°``'',,,,M@¥ ¥ou b€ b£€$$€d ₩¡th g¡g@n¡t¢ @©h¡v€m€nt$ ¡n ¢om¡ng up d@¥$ of ¥ou® £¡f€ ,''``°^°``'',,,,''``°^°``'',Good N!ght,''``°^°``'',,,,''``°^°``$₩€€t D®€@mzzZzz,''``°^°``'',,

zoya151  (10 years ago)
Good Morning Varun..
hv a pleasant day..

soulmate160197  (10 years ago)

,,''`°^°`'$t@rt ¥our d@¥'`°^°`'',

,,''`°₩¡th @ $m¡£€ on ¥our f@©€^`

,,''`°^@nd ¥ou ₩¡££ f¡nd th@t^°`'',,

,,''`°^@££ ¥ou g€t b@©k @r€^°`'',,

,,''`°^°`''$m¡£€ ¡n r€turn''`°^°`'',,

₩¡$h ¥ou @ v€r¥ GooD Morn¡nG

rucha55  (10 years ago)
Han ji

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