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ekafialestari GuestbookRicky5816 (13 years ago) Image Hosting SiteGoogle Start PagesFunny Quotes Image HostingGoogle HomepagesFunny Quotes Image SearchGoogle HomepageFunny Quotes Image Hosting SiteGoogle HomepageMeaning Of Names Image UploadQuotes and QuotationsNames and Meanings Image Hosting Site Neal111 (13 years ago) Have a day filled with fun {Image} with friends around u {Image} with a pleasant music {Image} or may b with the 1 u love {Image} but do smile coz ur friend here wishes to c u smiling NEAL maruf794 (13 years ago) A LoVeLy fAcT : nObOdY In dIs wOrLd.. cAn hAvE A CrYsTaL ClEaN HeArT... bCoZ EvErY OnE'S HeArT HaS SoMe bEaUtIfUl sCrAtChEs... gIvEn bY ThEiR dEaReSt" OnE... GuT MoRNinG DeAr... {Image} {Image} Neal111 (13 years ago) If CARE is a WAVE, i give u SEA. If RESPECT is a LEAF, i give u TREE. If TRUST is a PLANET, i give u GALAXY, if FRIENDSHIP is LIFE, i give u MINE 4 FREE.. keep smiling. NEAL maruf794 (13 years ago) PrObLeM WiTh tHe wOrD "lOvE" iS ThAt If a bOy uNdErStAnDs, GiRl dOeSn't.. & iF GiRl uNdErStAnDs, BoY DoEsN'T.. & If bOtH UnDeRsTaNd, ThE WoRlD DoEsN'T... hAvE MaRvElUs mOnDaY... {Image} {Image} miss you you forget me ha IIIaloneIII (13 years ago) .........................IN LIFE SOME THINGS ARE GREAT..SOME THINGS ARE LITTLE..SOME THINGS ASE SIMPLE..SOME THINGS ARE IMPORTANT...GREAT ADAGE LOVE..LITTLE ADAGE SAD..SIMPLE ADAGE ME & IMPORTANT ADAGE YOU...YOU ARE SO IMPORTANT FOR ME MY DEAR SISTER......IIIaloneIII......................... | |