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Bored, Chilly or Horny ???

frans84 Guestbook

Alice990  (13 years ago)



Alice990  (13 years ago)



Najeeba73  (13 years ago)

Handan1  (13 years ago)
The secret of health for both mind and body is

Not to mourn for the past…

Not to worry about the future…

Not to anticipate troubles…

But to live in the present, moment wisely & earnestly.

Good Morning!Francis bro.


NeedYou73  (13 years ago)

bomma  (13 years ago)
theme and flash vip approval

First time my application was rejected..

Second time -congratulations you are theme vip now, after one day, the message is you are not allowed to apply now, you may re-apply after 3 days, again today 18-09-2011 why are you asking me to re-apply after 22 days...

i am fed up with your approval, because there are many idiotic members who did not qualify for the requirements and are vip theme and vip flash badge members..

still now i could not understand what did i do wrong...

there are many members who did not create themes and flash for more than 6 to 9 months and most importantly no log in for months..

i create themes and flash every day for different models....

please tell me what wrong did i do...
James9794  (13 years ago)
Please delete my account!
bomma  (13 years ago)

i am eagerly waiting for the response,

please give me a chance to prove my self,

if you don't like my creations after approval,

then you can delete my theme vip,

i never felt tension during my exams....

please give me chance...please

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