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France44 Guestbook

France44  (11 years ago)
Why hit me ?
France44  (11 years ago)
C0me fast meet the doctor Hubi. I'm pregnent
France44  (11 years ago)
I dont like u disturb so my sick. I kn0w u sad. So n0t tel it
Lehar18  (11 years ago)
I feel hit u mad most hit u understand.
Lehar18  (11 years ago)
I chat with my preg wife and feel it hot i with my wife nimesha.
France44  (11 years ago)
Slowly finishing head sick. N0t ful finish
Lehar18  (11 years ago)
I not ok bcoz my life have a head sick and my wife dont tel me why jan?
France44  (11 years ago)
Wht r u doing baby?
Lehar18  (11 years ago)
So why are dont tel me u have a head sick hmm mad and this time how ur head sick fast tel me how have ur sick
France44  (11 years ago)
How r u babi

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