rohitlakhore78 (13 years ago)Hi Fiza !
How are you ?
Have u any of nimbuzz or facebook or orkut id .
If u have any of them , then plz add me .
My nimbuzz id is '' .
And common id '' is for orkut and facebook .
Mirzasameer53 (13 years ago)Hi do u frndsp with me plz call me 8127306327
Sahilmaniyar70 (13 years ago)Wel com to fizakhan new freand Mo.9922441126
Saifu786 (13 years ago)Hiii frnds how r u? Add me plz
immu77 (13 years ago)if u want to frndship with me then plz call me my no is 9956986189
immu77 (13 years ago)asslamwalekum..i m saif frm lko can we frnds
himansu04 (13 years ago)Pls call karona 8428617519
rajkumar0205 (13 years ago) so nice i like you so ooooo much