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LON3LYGIRL GuestbookShifana69 (13 years ago) We may easily 4get the people wid whom v laughted n njyod.......! But v cant 4get those people wid whom v cried n shared our feelings................! ! ! ! ! {Image} {Image} {Image} maruf794 (13 years ago) WoNdErFuL SaYiNg aBoUt dReAm: 'yOu sEe tHiNgS; aNd yOu sAy, 'wHy?' bUt i dReAm tHiNgS ThAt nEvEr wErE; aNd i sAy, 'wHy nOt?' wIsHiNg dReAmY NiGhT DeAr... ~..~ ~ ..~ {Image} hi maruf794 (13 years ago) 'pAiN (aNy pAiN--eMoTiOnAl, PhYsIcAl, MeNtAl) HaS A MeSsAgE. tHe iNfOrMaTiOn iT HaS AbOuT OuR LiFe cAn bE ReMaRkAbLy sPeCiFiC, bUt iT UsUaLlY FaLlS InTo oNe oF TwO CaTeGoRiEs: "wE WoUlD Be mOrE AlIvE If wE DiD MoRe oF ThIs," aNd, "lIfE WoUlD Be mOrE LoVeLy iF We dId lEsS Of tHaT." OnCe wE GeT ThE PaIn's mEsSaGe, AnD FoLlOw iTs aDvIcE, tHe pAiN GoEs aWaY.' WiShInG YoU PaInLeSs lOvElY TimE... ¥~.^.~ ¥~.^.~ ¥ gUt MorNinG Shifana69 (13 years ago) Ok zaha!. ya he is ma frnd but not nly frnd he's ma best frnd so wot r u?I'm a tajweed student | |