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charina93 Guestbooksanjaayy1 (13 years ago) {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} The day I met you I found a friend - And a friendship that I pray will never end. Your smile - so sweet And so bright - Kept me going When day was as dark as night. This friendship we share Is so precious to me, I hope it grows and flourishes And lasts unto infinity. You are so extra-special to me And so this to you I really must tell: You are my one true friend..................¤ have a nice day.. {Image} {Image} youuuurrrr`s sanjay {Image} anindhita01 (13 years ago) {Image} ** Good morning my friend ^^ ** It’s a new day I hope things get better For this I did pray May all of your problems Be out on their way On this bright morning That starts this new day ✿ Anindz ✿ {Image} alpeshsonagara (13 years ago) Charina: i'll get what i want [ Everything sex ] i love sex u give me ? atifsony (13 years ago) __________,-~-. _.–._.-~-, _________/ .- ,’_______`-. \ _________\ /`__________\’/ _________ /___’a___a`___\ _________|____,’(_)`.____ | _________\___( ._|_. )___ / __________\___ .__,’___ / __________.-`._______,’-.__ ________,’__,’___`-’___`.__`. _______/___/____V_____\___\_ _____,’____/_____o______\___`.?__ ___,’_____|______o_______|____?_`. __|_____,’|______o_______|`.__?___| ___`.__,’_.-\_____o______/-._`?.__,’ _________/_`.___o____,’__\_ __.”"-._,’______`._:_,’_______?`.,-”"._ _/_,-._`_______)___(________’_?,-.__\ (_(___`._____,’_____`.______,’?___)_) _\_\____\__,’________`.____/._?__/_/ Alot of Care & Lve from Atif Shehzad | |