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ela1616 Guestbookmariobros188 (11 years ago) {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} "> {Image} maxpayne66 (12 years ago) SORRY ¯\(°_o)/¯ FO BEING GONE FOR SO LONG BUT NOW BK ON TRACK MISsED YA OL SOO FUQINN MUCH (^o^)/~~ HAV A BLOODY { GOOD ) DAY ( VAMPIRE STUFF )TK CR maxpayne66 (12 years ago) yOuth faDes lOve DrOps the leaVes Of frienDshiP fall A MotheR's seCret lOve OutliveS them Oll maxpayne66 (12 years ago) when i saw her the first time I thought i'm loosing myself But wen I started loving her !!! I felt i'm dead maxpayne66 (12 years ago) LOVE IS.... Love is when someone hurts u and i grab my bat and say "LETS GO KICK THEIR @$$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Love is when zombies are chasing us and i trip u screaming "I LOVE U!" HAVE A GUD DAY | |