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Zyz27 Guestbookmaruf794 (13 years ago) WhEn iT rAiNs yOu doNt sEE thE sUn bUt itS tHeRe... HoPe wE cAn bE likE thAt. We dOnT aLwayS sEE eaCh oThEr buT wE wiLL aLwayS bE thErE.......haVE rOcKiNg RaiNy dAy.. My FriEnD.... {Image} {Image} {Image} nice ava..i are wonderful 333968 (13 years ago) {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} "G""O""O""D" "MORNING" "G""O""O""D" "DAY" "G""O""O""D" "LIFE" "G""O""O""D" "LUCK" "G""O""O""D" "HEALTH" My best wishes to you for today {Image} ⒿⒺⒺⓅ abhinavsharma96 (13 years ago) Hi pictures here!Days pictures here!Emo pictures here!Friends pictures here!Friends pictures here!Men pictures here!Men pictures here! maruf794 (13 years ago) NoBoDy tEachEs SuN tO risE, FiSh tO swiM, birDs tO fLy,PLanT tO gRoW, ChiLd tO cRy, & NoBoDy teAchEs a hEaRt tO chOoSe a friEnD LikE U....GooD NiGhT... | |