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ekafialestari Guestbookravine44 (13 years ago) {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} maruf794 (13 years ago) 11 sIgNs tHaT Ur iN LoVe... eLeVeN: YoU WaLk rEaLlY SlOw wHeN YoU'Re wItH ThEm. TeN: yOu fEeL ShY WhEnEvEr tHeY'Re aRoUnD nInE: yOu sMiLe wHeN YoU HeAr tHeIr vOiCe EiGhT: wHeN YoU LoOk aT ThEm, YoU CaN'T SeE ThE OtHeR PeOpLe aRoUnD YoU, yOu jUsT SeE HiM/HeR sIx: ThEy'rE AlL YoU ThInK AbOuT fIvE: yOu rEaLiZe yOu'rE AlWaYs sMiLiNg wHeN YoU'Re lOoKiNg aT ThEm FoUr: YoU WoUlD Do aNyThInG FoR ThEm JuSt tO SeE ThEm ThReE: wHiLe rEaDiNg tHiS, tHeRe wAs oNe pErSoN On yOuR MiNd tHiS WhOlE TiMe TwO: yOu wErE So bUsY ThInKiNg aBoUt tHaT PeRsOn, YoU DiDn't nOtIcE NuMbEr sEvEn wAs mIsSiNg oNe: YoU JuSt sCrOlLeD Up tO ChEcK & ArE NoW SiLeNtLy lAuGhInG At yOuRsElF... nOw mAkE A WiSh. YoU KnOw yOu wAnT To...... {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} here another short msg for you.'. just replying me without read | |