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Thassya Guestbooknajafi (13 years ago) href="">Image Hosting SiteBaby NamesMeaning Of NamesFree Image HostingGoogle Start PagesQuotes PlanetImage UploadGoogle HomepageQuotes and QuotationsImage HostingGoogle HomepagesFunny QuotesImage SharingNames and MeaningsMeaning Of NamesSearch"> bharathim (13 years ago) Haiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii My Mathes teacher told me 1 Hour=60 Mins & 1 Min = 60 secs. but she never told me 1 sec without a FRIEND like you is equal to 100 years... My eyes said, "I'm so tired .. Plz cum to sleep &giv me rest" But my heart said, "Plz wish ur dear one to hav lovely night". So.. Good night...... Sweet dreams!!!!!!!!!!! With Loves, Kani.G abhinavsharma96 (13 years ago) Feeling pictures here!Feeling pictures here!Feeling pictures here!Feeling pictures here!Feeling pictures here!Feeling pictures here!Feeling pictures here!Feeling pictures here! | |