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Idea for Valentine Days

ekafialestari Guestbook

maruf794  (13 years ago)
‘hEaRtBeAtS ArE ThE BiGgEsT HyPoCrItEs iN ThE WoRlD, tHeY BeAt iN YoUr bOdY BuT, aLwAyS DaNcE To tHe tUnE Of sOmEoNe eLsE...' StRaNg bUt tRuE...WiShInG LoVeLy nIgHt... {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} miss you
Real96  (13 years ago)
Hi eka, how r u? Nothing happening these days.
Efares  (13 years ago)
Good night sweet moon
Efares  (13 years ago)
اسعد الله مسائكم
maruf794  (13 years ago)
'i bElIeVe tHaT ImAgInAtIoN Is sTrOnGeR ThAn kNoWlEdGe – mYtH Is mOrE PoTeNt tHaN HiStOrY – DrEaMs aRe mOrE PoWeRfUl tHaN FaCtS – HoPe aLwAyS TrIuMpHs oVeR ExPeRiEnCe – lAuGhTeR Is tHe cUrE FoR GrIeF – LoVe iS StRoNgEr tHaN DeAtH...' DrEaMy lAuGhInG NiGhT FoR YoU... ~*~*~*~ {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image}
elameral  (13 years ago)
{Image} {Image} elameral
angelospeg  (13 years ago)

maruf794  (13 years ago)
'sInG LiKe nO OnE'S LiStEnInG, lOvE LiKe yOu'vE NeVeR BeEn hUrT, dAnCe lIkE NoBoDy's wAtChInG, aNd lIvE LiKe iTs hEaVeN On eArTh...' LoVeLy MoRniNG.. {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image}
elameral  (13 years ago)
{Image} {Image} {Image} ELAMEAL
Neal111  (13 years ago)
{Image} NEAL

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