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Tinku0013 GuestbookFatimahajja (13 years ago) Happy new year best friend,sweet Tinku I wish you much happiness, strength and health to you and your family Fati Abu1331ubaidah (13 years ago) just here to wish You happy new year {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} May You come up as bright as sun, as cool as water and as sweet as honey. Hope this new year fulfill all Your desires and wishes.. HAPPY NEW YEAR {Image} make 2012 a memorable year. Never give up. {Image} {Image} good luck for 2012 maruf794 (13 years ago) YeAr cOmE N Go , bUt tHiS YeAr i sPeCiAlLy wIsH 4 U A DoUbLe dOsE Of hEaLtH, PrOsPeRiTy,LoVe N HaPpInEsS ToPpEd wItH LoAdS F GoOd fOrTuNe. HaVe a gR8 yR AhEaD!hApPy nEw yEaR !! 2O12.. Is rIsHtE Ko yUn hI BaNaE RaHkHnA... DiL Me yAaDoN K ChIrAg jAlAe rAkHnA... BaHuT PyArA SaFaR RaHa 2011 Ka ApNa sAtH 2012 mE BhI BaNaYe rAkHnA... {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} GooD Nit | |