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CHANDAN4U1 Guestbook

momotalosan  (11 years ago)
momotalosan  (11 years ago)
Anywhere hehehe i d0nt kn0w to you ? I go to mars...
momotalosan  (11 years ago)
Hahaha yeah...
momotalosan  (11 years ago)
Im n0t running away fr0m u dhan.. im running closer to you but u run away so fast
momotalosan  (11 years ago)
What r u d0ing dhan
momotalosan  (11 years ago)

momotalosan  (11 years ago)
Hmmph ok why ur laughing then?
momotalosan  (11 years ago)
Hmmph ok why ur laughing then?
momotalosan  (11 years ago)
whats funny... did i said a j0ke??
momotalosan  (11 years ago)
Hahahaha here ur soul... i must be here t0o c0z my s0ulmate is here hehe

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