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Insha0966 Guestbook

Danish224  (13 years ago)
atifsony  (13 years ago)

THIRU34  (13 years ago)
Hi! U chat with me?
atifsony  (13 years ago)

sweet2salty  (13 years ago)

im the UnLoyal
atifsony  (13 years ago)
main khud ko jhuka dena koi ayib nahi.
* Dost
chamakta sooraj bhi doob jata hai chand ki khatir
mackvir  (13 years ago)
hiE friend..
atifsony  (13 years ago)
Öld friends are gÖld!

New friends are diamÖnd!

if u gÖt diamÖnd dÖn't fÖrget

da gÖld BcÖz tÖ hÖld a diamÖnd in a Ring,

U need a base Öf gÖld!

Love U Frnds
Atul198846  (13 years ago)
I wan be ur frnd pls add me.
atifsony  (13 years ago)
Luck is not in your Control
Struggle is Always in Your Control,
Struggle can make
Your LUCK.
Everything is possible with struggle..

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