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Lyn124 Guestbook

Bappo60  (13 years ago)
ThnkX... I thnK U ra8 but DearMy some girl,, not all.. But it ra8,, girl's heart r very soft...they r not take very sad.. PlZ dear frnd with me alwys...so do evrythng 2gheter happy OR sad... I want 2 4evr u... I luv u frnd t.c.
Bappo60  (13 years ago)
thnkX who is he handsome guy?? with sobut never with so HaVe A gReaT dAy 4 u... Carry me alwys & with me so feel good.. But it true i want & live peace place t.c. Ur seLf & mY seLf hey hey frnd i msg u 1 joke u read it...coz it be alwys true but never mind!
Bappo60  (13 years ago)
Hiii hAvE A swTest DaY plZ dOn'T MinD u HaVe aNy aCcoUnT nAMe Lijun plZ TeLL mE
popularboy  (13 years ago)
Thank u very much for ur high feeling with me but it is lucky me if i love by deeply i know i 'll get of the sad coze some peoples looks on the dark side of things ...no busy ur mind it is few keep ur smile wish u good bless take care
popularboy  (13 years ago)
Hello hello u r welcome u have a nice day
Lyn124  (13 years ago)
Why u aLOne . . ? ? ? HapPy2 sELAlu . . .
ariswibowo  (13 years ago)
sunyi,sepi,sendiri.yang ku jalani sekarang.
popularboy  (13 years ago)
Thanks 4 visit sister u r nice nd welcome u
ariswibowo  (13 years ago)
siang cntk pa kbr...
Lyn124  (13 years ago)

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