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OSladY GuestbookJessjare (13 years ago) mY DaY wAs gR8 loVe. . . . . ThInKiN bOuT u n cOmIn oNliNe tO C u mAkS mE fEeL gR8. I'm hAvIn dA bEsT of mY LiFe. HoW wAs uR dAy? Jessjare (13 years ago) u'l nOt dIe aLoNe. U wIl dIe iN My aRmS wRaP aRoUnD u. . . . . . I'l kIsS uR laSt bReAtH. . . . . Mwah Jessjare (13 years ago) mY LoVe i nVr kNeW dAt sUcH a gUd loVeR eXiSt. Bt u pRoVe mE wRoNg. M iN rEaL LoVe. . . . Mwah Jessjare (13 years ago) ohK u cAn b iN My hEaRt bUt dOn tRy tO dAmAgE iT CoZ dAt wHeR i cAn oNly kEeP u | |