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RIYA224 Guestbook

raj294  (13 years ago)
ok bye n thanx
ZAIDISHAAN  (13 years ago)

ZAIDISHAAN  (13 years ago)
HIIIIIIIIIII RIYA ,gd mrng ,, have a colourful day dear
raj294  (13 years ago)
goOD mOrNInG DeAr hAvE a nIcE dAY
maruf794  (13 years ago)
SoMeTiMeS We mUsT Be hUrT In oRdEr tO GrOw SoMeTiMeS We mUsT FaIl iN OrDeR To kNoW sOmEtImEs wE MuSt lOsE In oRdEr tO GaIn bEcAuSe sOmE LeSsOnS In LIfE ArE BeSt LEaRnEd tHrOuGh pAiN. sO PaIn iS GaIn...pAiN Is tHe sOuRcE Of cReAtIoN..iF YoU HaVe pAiN..dOnT BrOkEn... JuSt cReAt sOmEtHiNg sPeCiAl fOr oThErS.. aT LeAsT FoR YoU... GoOd mOrNiNg... HaVe a cReAtIvE DaY... {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} wonder i miss you
raj294  (13 years ago)
Tum biN AdHuRa hU mAi
raj294  (13 years ago)
aa jao bapas my sweet friend
Ravi3753  (13 years ago)
How are you my friend
maruf794  (13 years ago)
OnLy a fEw CaRiNg hEaRtS cAn eAsIlY IdEnTiFy SuM LiTtLe lIeS In Ur sMiLe & sUm mOrE TrUtH iN Ur tEaRs!!! sO NeVeR LeT tHeM Go fRoM yOuR LiFe!…… GuT NiGhT...kEEp sMiLinG... {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} good bye.. no plz

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