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lizzymcguire Guestbookmaruf794 (13 years ago) {Image} 'Hi! How's yOu? ThE FiRst quEstiOn I aSkEd yOu.. I dOn’T kNoW yOu.. BuT hErE I am tAlkiNg to yOu... I kEEp thROWiNg qUEStiOn.. tRyiNg tO gEt to knOw yOu.. And yOu anSwErEd bACk.. sEEMs likE,YoU likE tO gEt tO kNoW mE tOo... DAy by dAy oUr cOnvErsAtiOn sTaRtiNg to grEw.. AnD aLL thiS sTaRteD oN a siMplE quEstiOn.. hi! how's yOu? DayS pAsT by aNd I rEaLizEd I’m nOt tAlkiNg tO a strAngEr no morE... I’m tAlkiNg to a peRsoN thAt i caLL a 'tRuE FRIEND'!...i'm tHaNkfuL to yOu foR uR hiGHLy tUNEs fRiEnDsHip {Image} {Image} {Image} miss you lizzy... maruf794 (13 years ago) A boy was teaching a girl arithmetic, he said it was his mission. He kissed her once; he kissed her twice and said, “Now that’s addition.” In silent satisfaction, she sweetly gave the kisses back and said, “Now that’s subtraction.” Then he kissed her, she kissed him, without an explanation. And both together smiled and said, “That’s multiplication.” Then her Dad appeared upon the scene and made a quick decision. He kicked that boy three blocks away and said, “That’s long division!” math is hard when you caught have a laughing(loudly) and smiling(silently) weekend {Image} is it white apple? {Image} football loves him {Image} useful ball {Image} baseball {Image} he is looking ball {Image} where is his ball ? dont laugh plz... Have nice sleep maruf794 (13 years ago) If GoD anSwErS ur PrAyEr, he’S iNcreSsiNg ur FAitH. If He dELAyS, He’S iNcrEasiNg ur PatiEncE. If He does not anSwEr, He knOws u cAn hAndlE it…! Don’T LEt liTtlE tHiNgS gEt yOu dOwN. You’vE gOt many big rEaSoNs tO LOOK UP TO GOD aNd sAy thAnkS... It’s gOiNg tO bE a gReAt dAy... {Image} {Image} maruf794 (13 years ago) '3 STUPID STAGES OF LIFE! TEEN: HavE timE & eNerGy bUt nO mOnEy! YOUNG: HaVe mOnEy & EnErGy bUt nO timE! OLD: HavE TimE & mOnEy bUt nO eNerGy...!' LifE is nOtHiNg bUt if yOu arE a gUt coOrDinAtor..LiFe wiLL bE mEaNiNgfuL.. MarVeluS niGht tO yOu My dEaR fRiEnD.. {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} maruf794 (13 years ago) 'WhEn yOu arE fAlliNg.. aNd cAn’t sAvE yOuRsElf.. rEaCh fOr thE cAlliNg.. thE cAlliNg of a fRienD.. WhEn yOu arE cRyiNg.. aNd cAn’t seE aN eNd.. rEaCh fOr thE cAlliNg.. thE cAlliNg of a fRienD.. WheN yOuR worlD iS eNdiNg.. aNd yOu cAn’t rEpeNt.. rEaCh foR thE cAlliNg.. thE cAlliNg of a fRienD.. WhEn yOu aRe dyiNg.. dOn’t tRy tO hElp.. reAch foR thE cAlliNg.. thE cAlliNg of a fRienD...' timE of mY fAlliNg.. cRyiNg.. lauGHing.. loViNg.. riSiNg.. shAriNg.. evEn dyiNg.. I bElivE yOu'lL bE witH mE.. mY friEnD. WilL yOu? sWEeT niGht.. {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} i wOnDerEd!!! LO0O0O0LLL (13 years ago) ★¸,¤°°¤,¸★¸,¤°°¤,★ hahaha gUd cOmMeNtS 4 dA 1sT tImE. Hahaha ★¸,¤°°¤,¸★¸,¤°°¤,★ rAiNe mAkIn mE hAnDsOm tOo ★¸,¤°°¤,¸★¸,¤°°¤,★ | |