PratyushABHILASH(12 years ago) Friendship is like an onion - it has many layers, it adds flavour to our lives but if you want to cut it then you have tears in your eyes.
praveen537(12 years ago) Get More From
Mahmoud8236(12 years ago) maKe a promIse 2 yorseLF alwaYs chOosE d bEsT In LyF 2 hoLd On 2 yoR dReaMs 2 beLIvE In yOr IdeAs anD foLLow yoR heaRt bcOz LyF Iis beaUtIfuL jUst Lyk YOU.! ~ kIp smILIng mY frIenD ~
fahad6650(12 years ago) kya sahiba ap aisa karte mere saath